Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Second Hand Smoking Linked to Poorer Mental Health

Exposure to second hand smoke is associated with psychological distress and risk of future psychiatric illness, according to a new research

The research, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, examined the associations between mental health and second hand smoke (SHS) exposure - known as passive smoking - by measuring the circulating biochemical marker cotinine, which is found in saliva and can be used to measure levels of exposure to tobacco smoke. The study found that SHS exposure is associated with psychological distress and risk of future psychiatric illness in healthy adults.

A representative sample of 5,560 non-smoking adults and 2,689 smokers without history of mental illness were drawn from the 1998 and 2003 Scottish Health Surveys. A score greater than 3 on the 12-item General Health Questionnaire was employed as an indicator of psychological distress. Incident psychiatric hospital admissions over 6 years follow up were also recorded.

Psychological distress was apparent in 14.5 percent of the sample. In an analysis of the data, after adjustments for a range of potential confounding factors such as social status, high SHS exposure among non-smokers (cotinine levels between 0.70 and 15 micrograms per litre) was associated with 50 percent higher odds of reporting psychological distress in comparison with participants with cotinine levels below the limit of detection. Active smokers were also more likely to report psychological distress.

The risk of future psychiatric illness was also related to high SHS exposure and active smoking.

Second Hand Smoking Linked to Poorer Mental Health

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