Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mumbai not safest for women:Study

The city might well be one of the most affluent pockets  in  India, but its women are some of the country’s least secure, found a compilation of data by the Tata Strategic Management Group.
The data, which found no relation between affluence and the security of women, puts Mumbai high on the Well-Being Index (WBI) —abroad indication of economic and living standards —but the cityfared poorly on the Female Security Index(FSI).

The data, released on Tuesday, has been complied on the basis of economists Joseph Stiglitz and AmartyaSen’s well  being theory on National Sample Survey Organization and the National Crime Bureau statistics of 2006-07.

The Group derived its rankings on the basis of expenditure, health, education, transport and food for2006-07 in 600 Indian districts. The FSI is based on the gender ratio and crimes against women.
“In Mumbai, the Female Security Index is below average only because of the poor gender ratio,” said Raju Bhinge, chief executive of the Group.

“Any data that shows such vast differences between the Well-Being Index and Female Security Index would be very useful for policy makers,” said Julio Riberio, former police com missioner of Mumbai.
Data compiled by the Tata Strategic Management Group found that poverty has nothing to do with gender discrimination.

The Group derived its rankings on the basis of  expenditure, health, education, transport and food for the year 2006-07 in 600 Indian districts. The FSI is based on the gender ratio and crime—such as rape and dowry deaths — against women.

Places such as Delhi, Punjab and Haryana rank the highest on the Well-Being Index (WBI) —abroad indication of economic and living standards —but rank the worst on the Female Security Index(FSI).
Similarly, states that rank ‘Bad’ or ‘Worst’ on the WBI – Orissa, WestBengal, Jharkhand and Bihar are better placed on FSI.

The study, released on Tuesday, said most of the north Indian states are low on the FSI, whereas peninsular India and parts of eastern India have been rated as one of the best.
Delhi has been rated as one of the most insecure cities for women in India, with seven of its nine districts rated as ‘worst’ on FSI.
This study, according to the Group, could be useful for policy makers to improve the WBI and FSI in the country.

Also, the data, which found no relation between affluence and the security of women, puts Mumbai high on the Well-Being Index

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