Friday, February 20, 2009

7 Steps to Lasting Happiness –Azim Jamal

In the 1970s, I was studying in England. The proverbial poor student, I had no money and was living as frugally as possible –on many occasions sharing a small apartment with up to five other students. My staple food was the cereal Weetabix, which I ate morning, afternoon, and evening. It was cheap, healthy, and easy to prepare. Although I had friends, I had neither the time nor the income to do much socializing. In the summer, to pay my tuition costs, I worked by day cutting up dead chickens in a poultry factory, and by night washing clothes in a laundry.

Twenty years later, in the early 1990s, I found myself in considerably different circumstances. I was (and am still) married to a loving and wonderful wife and had two beautiful young children. My business practice was thriving, and I’d achieved a level of financial stability that my younger self would probably have envied. I was also well-known and respected member of my community.

Certainly, I was happy. Yet, upon closer reflection, I had to admit I had been happier as a struggling student in England; material abundance had not given me more happiness. Looking at the many different people I knew and had known, I began to think about what them truly happy –and what caused them sadness. This book is the product of years of questioning and reflection in my quest to find sustained happiness. I realized that lasting happiness comes from fully appreciating each waking moment, living with integrity and humility, striving to reach one’s full potential, and making a difference in the lives of others. It is not based on what we have, but on what we are. It is something that is within us, not outside us. By following the seven steps to happiness outlined in this book, anyone who wants to do the rewarding work of improving his or her life and finding sustained happiness will benefit immensely.

Step one
Discover Yourself

There is a purpose in each of our lives. We may need to dig deep within ourselves to find out what that purpose is, but the clearer our mission is, the better are our chances of accomplishing it.

Each day is a new day, a day that brings fresh learning about ourselves and our environment. For this learning to happen, we need to be alert and reflect on our experiences. We are bound to learn at least one powerful lesson daily if we are fully conscious on around us.

Every choice we make shapes our destiny. Therefore, let us make wise choices that are consistent with the type of destiny we are aspiring to.

Step Two
Maintain Positive Attitudes

We are all gifted and blessed in our own unique ways. When we treasure who we are and believe in our inherent capabilities, we find that the world also starts to believe in us. When we are willing to bet on ourselves, the world will bet on us as well.

A blessing comes our way daily. Some people may appear to receive more blessings than others. However, the more we focus on what we have and what we are receiving daily, the more blessings we attract. So counting our blessings not only makes us focus on the positive things in our lives but also creates the energy for multiplication of these blessings.

We have no control over what others think and do. The only control we have is over our thoughts and actions. The more we concentrate on our thoughts and capacity, the more we take control of our happiness. This means ceasing to worry about what others think and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

The most we can be expected to do is our best. It is a good feeling when we win in the race of life, but it is an even better feeling when we know that we have done our best –irrespective of winning or losing. Once we have used all our faculties and given our best, we cease to worry about the rest; whatever happens subsequently happens for the best.

In the journey of life there will be highs as well as lows. This is the law of nature. We need to be as happy during our lows as we are during our highs, because every low comes in a package with beautiful lesson. When we go about our lives with confidence and poise, we gain respect. When we become egoistic, we become shallow and lose respect.

Step Three
Hone Your Life Skills

We have multiple roles to play in life and only a finite amount of time to meet all our responsibilities and to realize our aspirations. Our focus on key priorities and a balanced outlook enable us to get through the maze of responsibilities and achieve harmony and sources.

When we work with pride, empower others, and become true leaders in every walk of life, we begin to make a positive difference in our lives and in those of others around us.

Step Four
Build Healthy Relationships

Our relationships with our close ones play a big part in our lives. When we have healthy relationships filled with love, respect, dialogue, and learning, we experience abounding happiness.

Step Five
Let Ethics and Values Be Your Guide

Ethical living, forgiveness, and pure intentions enable us to connect with the spirit, thereby tuning into divinity and bliss.

Of all the joys that there may be, the joy of giving is one of the best. When we bring true joy to the lives of others, we create joy in our own lives. The more we give, the more we have.

Step Six
Awaken Your Spirituality

Unlike our physical existence, our spiritual lives are eternal. If we want lasting happiness, then we need to live a spiritual life. This can be done by connecting our physical actions to spirituality. Whatever we do, we should assess its spiritual merit. By doing so, we can transform our physical acts into spiritual ones.

With daily prayers, meditation, contemplation of nature, and connection with the spirit, we can turn our lives into blissful living.

Step Seven
Enjoy the Ride

Happiness is a choice we can all make. So let us make that choice and begin to be happy now. Happiness is not in a distant land but right here in our midst. As we think happy and are happy, we are able to face life’s challenges with confidence and relative ease. Working on the first six steps in this book gives us internal contentment of having lived to our full potential and living an ethical and empowering life, but it is the seventh step that brings about the fun and joy of life. The seventh step without the first six can bring about limited happiness, but lasting and sustained happiness comes from working on the first six steps whilst savoring and enjoying the process.


If we have done all the exercises in the book, we should be on our way to self discovery –knowing our strengths and weakness, changing our attitudes, developing our life skills, building our relationships, awakening our spirituality, and enjoying happiness. The principles in my book are not easy to implement and internalize. I must admit that I struggle with some of them on a daily basis. The idea is not to master them all overnight, but rather to be aware of them and gradually practice and internalize them so as to find lasting happiness. Once you have internalized all the principles, give this book to a friend. Until then, keep it by your bedside.

My best wishes go to all of you. May you find inner happiness and deep meaning in your lives, reach your fullest potential, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

(Courtesy -7 Steps to Lasting Happiness – Authored by Azim Jamal – Published by Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai -400 001, Fourth Jaico Impression 2007 pages 236)

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